Thursday, August 16, 2012

10/08/2012 - Sardines and Bread

Welcome' to Wots 4 Lunch.  A blog about my favourite lunches.

Today is Friday so it fish.

One of my favourite's is:

Sardines and French Bread.

optional additions
Mixed Herbs
Black Pepper
Sardines in Tomato sauce instead of Olive Oil.


  1. I find Sainsbury's French bread very uninspiring compared with the stuff I eat at Mum's pen friend's château. They used to collect if from the village baker early in the morning and anything lest over the next day they gave to the dog.

    I've recently tried baking Sainsbury's half cooked rolls. They come out slightly better than their French bread.

    1. It's certainly true what you say about the freshly baked stuff. I went to a patisserie after Mass in Perigueux with Isabel and they bought me a chocolatine ( I'd never had one before. It was delicious.
